Things To Draw When You Feel Stressed, Tired, Or Need A Warm-Up

Things To Draw When You Feel Stressed, Tired, Or Need A Warm-Up
Things to draw when you feel stressed, tired, or need a warm-up

We all have days where we feel overwhelmed and stressed. Sometimes we may become victims to doom scrolling for it, which only makes our stress and lack of motivation worse. Or, perhaps you're just looking for a way to warm-up after going a while without drawing. For me, painting simple things are a nice way for me to decompress and even get in a good warmup for painting. Here are a list of simple things I like to paint when I'm stressed out!

#1: Flowers & Leaves

I made a whole collection based off flowers for my art store. Needless to say, I LOVE flowers!

If you've ever seen my art, you've probably already guessed I love drawing flowers. They are a beautiful way to fill empty space in a drawing. You can start drawing simple flowers, and work your way up to more elaborate designs when you feel ready. Plus by the end of it, you'll end up with a really pretty page!

#2: Hair

Could you guess my favorite part of this painting was?

I love drawing all kinds of hair, from curly to wavy or straight, they're all a pleasure to draw. Hair can be really relaxing to draw and easy to get into, you can just draw a simple head shape and start drawing! And when you feel ready, you can start drawing faces along with it.

#3: Clothes/Outfits

this is an older drawing, but I had so much fun drawing the outfit alone!

I've always adored fashion, and making intricate outfits for my characters! Drawing clothes is a low stress way to release some creativity and dream while doing so! You can start with something simple, like a dress shirt or a skirt, and then move on to more elaborate pieces as you feel your creativity activating!

#4: Stationery

Another fun and easy thing to doodle are stationery items, such as sketching little envelopes, stamps, etc! Not only is it very aesthetic, they are also easy to start and can be as elaborate or simple as you like. They will also look really nice scattered across your sketchbook!

#5: Trinkets & Accessories

This is another fun and easy thing to doodle. You can start with things like a small Teacup or a little hand mirror, and then move on to elaborate crowns or furniture when you're ready! This will also help you in developing your skills in regards to drawing backgrounds and set pieces!

#6: Architecture/Rooms

brown concrete building with black metal gate
Photo by Reihaneh Naderi / Unsplash

Something I like to do is draw a box and sketch little rooms or buildings. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate you can just sketch your workspace if you wanted too! You can start small and simple and than move on to larger scale architecture.

#7: Armor

This one won't be for everyone, but something I like to do is doodle knight armor when I feel stuck. You can start with simple shapes and designs and then increase the intricacy as you feel more creative. It can also help build your skills and confidence if you're not used to drawing armor!

Bonus Ideas for Christians!

#1: Crosses

I love drawing crosses and seeing how I can make a new and interesting design! It also helps me feel more connected to the LORD~

#2: Biblically Accurate Angels

Drawing biblically accurate angels can be a challenge but it also helps get your creative juices flowing when attempting to interpret what we're told in the books of Isaiah & Ezekiel. It can be a fun activity to do while spending time with the LORD!

#3: Bibles

An easy doodle to do is sketching different Bible designs since it can be as simple or detailed as you like! It may also give you ideas on how to decorate your next Bible~

So there you have it! A small list that can help you get started in sketching for relaxation or as a warm-up! As always, I encourage you to think on the things you like to draw and make a note of it for times where you would like to relax or if you're looking to just sketch!

Thank you so much for reading, especially to those who made it to this point~ please check out my art store, and subscribe to my newsletter letter to be notified of new posts and for exclusive content.

God Bless~