Getting past creative blocks: Tips for artists and writers

Getting past creative blocks: Tips for artists and writers

Creative blocks are something every creative goes through at some point. These blocks can come from things like stress, burnout, etc. Sometimes a creative block can feel like it will last forever, but I'm here to tell you that this phase is a normal part of the journey and there are ways to help you get back on track. Today, I'm going to share some things you can do to feel inspired again and be creative.

white printer paper on brown and white floral textile
Photo by Clay Banks / Unsplash

Identifying your top stressors

Sometimes drawing or writing helps me to regulate my mood, but in most cases, if I feel very overwhelmed or stressed out its hard for me to do anything at all. Take a step back and think on the things that cause stress in your life. is there a creative project that feels too big? Or maybe your day job leaves you too tired to do anything? There will be things you can't control, but take time to identify and remove as many stressors in your life as you can. The less stress you experience on the daily, the easier it will feel to be creative!

For my beloved Christians: When you feel a creative block, the best thing you can do is pray and spend quiet time with the LORD. Sometimes a creative block can be a spiritual attack, but it may also be a strategic move on the LORD's end. That's why it's so important to pray and seek God's heart on the matter.

black smartphone on white book page
Photo by Konstantin Dyadyun / Unsplash

Go back to your other favorite hobbies (or try out new ones!)

Whether it'd be your favorite game that you love for its art or storytelling, or maybe a show that always gets your gears turning. Even if its an easy hobby you love, going back to things not art (or writing) can help reduce your stress and give your brain time to replenish your creative juices. If you don't have any other hobbies, that's okay! Take some time to explore other subjects that interests you, and do something related to that! It may even give you some ideas you want to try along the way! (Some of my favorite games to go back to are Demon's souls, Dark souls l, and Bloodborne!)

Sometimes I like to sit with God in silence, and after a bit of time He begins to flood my spirit with motivation, creativity, and ideas. If going back to your hobbies doesn't work, try spending time with God in silence for a few minutes, He is sure to restore you!

three paint tubes near paint brushes
Photo by Andrian Valeanu / Unsplash

Set the mood for creativity

Clean the space you work in, play some songs that help you think or focus, get in the headspace that you will be creative. Doing the little things can help center your focus and cultivate your creativity. Try taking notes of the things that help you start creating. That way you have some pointers as to what to do when you feel stuck.

Something that helps me is to invite God's presence and have Him take over my creative session. Spending time with Him always gets my creative gears turning faster than any other method that typically works for me.

black and red floral happy birthday signage
Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

Take time to care for yourself

I cannot stress enough how important it is to take time for yourself. What this means may be different for everyone. For some it could be taking a walk, for others it could be hanging out with close friends, it could even be something as simple as taking a nice long shower. But overall, upkeeping your hygiene, getting in some exercise, and eating well are all things that will not only help you out of your creative rut, but also improve your whole well being. If your feeling stressed and suffering from a creative block, it may be a sign that you haven't been taking good care of yourself!

Start Small

You don't have to start by illustrating your most elaborate painting, or finishing the rest of your entire novel. When you're experiencing a creative block, try sketching at least once everyday for 5 minutes, and writers, try writing something everyday for 5 minutes. It doesn't have to be an intricate sketch either, a simple tree or flower for the day will do. And for writers, you could write something as simple as a thought that crossed your head or about something that happened during the day. This will help you get back into the groove of setting aside time to draw/write. It's okay if you miss a day or aren't feeling up to it, forcing yourself will only make the block worse!

I've mentioned this in previous blog posts, but you should have a gallery of photos and art that you can look through whenever you're feeling stuck. It should consists of things that really give you a spark no matter how many times you look at it, and it's okay to change its contents often. This gallery can be a Pinterest board, done through apps like Milanote, or pictures you saved on your device. Whenever you get stuck, you'll always have a wealth of inspiration to go through!

For writers: These galleries can also consist of your favorite quotes and dialogue!

Take a writing and/or art challenge

If you're feeling really stuck and can't get back on your feet, try looking at a list of prompts or take an art/writing challenge. This will take away the burden of having to think about what to make and focus on what's important: Creating. You can easily go to places like Pinterest, YouTube, or Instagram to find challenges and prompts!

Quick note: Sometimes going back and watching my favorite artists and seeing their works inspires me to go back and draw/write!

clear drinking glass on brown wooden table near body of water during daytime
Photo by Do Nhu / Unsplash

Listen to your body and take a break

If you've done everything on this list and then some, maybe it's time to just sit and rest. As I had mentioned before forcing yourself to create will only make your creative block worse, and the last thing you want is to start hating your craft and dreading it. It's okay if you need time to rest and recuperate, and go back at it once you feel ready!

These are just some ideas as to what you can do to start getting past a creative block. I encourage you to think back on things you used to do to get into the creative mood and attempt doing those things again to see what sticks. Also, remember that creative blocks are something any creative gas gone through at least once and this phase certainly won't last forever.

And for my fellow Christians, always invite God's presence into your space whenever you feel this way. He will either restore your creativity entirely or give you some pointers as to why you may be feeling the way you do. Not to mention, the ideas He can give will probably far surpass anything we could come up with on our own, He did create all things after all!

Thank you for taking your time to read this, especially if you made it this far. I truly appreciate your engagement!

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God Bless~