About this site

Hello, and welcome to The Art in Writing blog! I'm Cece, the founder, writer, and everything else for this site~

Here in this corner of the internet, I talk about all things writing, art, and everything in between. I draw from my own personal experiences, and from the things others have taught me to formulate the best advice I can for those who are on the same path as me.

Being and artist/writer, a creative in general to be honest, can bring you on a journey of twists and turns. But I'm hoping that through this blog I can show you ways to grow your artistic vision, and increase your creativity so you can stay creating for longer.

All that I've learned up to this point is through God's grace alone, so really, all credit goes to Him! 😊

Please subscribe and stay tuned for all the wonderful information I have to share with you!

God Bless~

P.S. I have an art store that's still relatively new, please check it out!